Las Puertas Is a StrengthBuilding™ Program of StrengthBuilding™ Partners
StrengthBuilding is a process for working with people to create positive change and achieve their goals. StrengthBuilding changes how people relate to one another.
It teaches us how to focus on what the individual can accomplish, how strengths can be used in positive ways.
Everyone is born with strengths. Sometimes that’s hard to remember when all we ever talk about is what’s wrong with our world and the people around us. StrengthBuilding challenges us to focus on the strengths of the individual…on our own strengths.
At Las Puertas, StrengthBuilding will define how school staff interacts with students, families and each other. The school will be a place of warmth and support. We will have high expectations for everyone, staff and students alike. We will help you to accomplish your goals and be as excited as you are when you do!
For more information about StrengthBuilding™,
please visit: